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Sopro link

Posted on: September 19, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Category: News and awards

Sopro link

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It’s a common situation…

Yet another fantastic response rolls in from your SoPro prospecting campaign.  It’s the third direct hit today.  The targeting was perfect and the intro message was made of magic, this prospect is so hot you’re wearing factor 50 just to read the email.  This one will sign itself, at least twice.

Forget pipeline, this is a waterslide to glory.  Welcome to Salesville. Population: You.  You are what you eat but it’s funny, you don’t remember eating a LEGEND.  The only thing you’re hungry for is more success.  You nailed it soldier.  And I don’t mean with a hammer…

Back in the room sales guru.  You’d better send that prospect a LinkedIn request before you remember how much process and administration bothers you.

…in the meantime it’s probably worth spending a few minutes getting to the bottom of why raspberries are hairy first.  I mean you don’t often see a product of evolution so lamentably devoid of function as the hairs on a raspberry.  What possible force of nature could lay claim to such a monumentally misguided characteristic as the hairy surface adorning the common all garden raspberry.  Speaking of raspberries, you should pick up a strudel next time you get the chance, you haven’t had one for ages, 2 years..?  It’s hard to tell.  How do you tell?  Yikes, better head home it’s half three.  You’ve got drinks to get to, hero.

And that is why you work in sales.

SoPro product team are delighted to announce the new SoPro Link service feature.

This cheeky new feature is designed to save time in situations when absent minded sales superheroes need to quickly connect to a hot prospect.

The feature is available to all active SoPro clients.

When responding to a hot prospect by email, simply add as a Bcc recipient.  We’ll do the rest.  We’ll pick up the instruction immediately and ensure a connection request is issued to the prospect on your behalf.  Boom.  Done.  Have a nice day.

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