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Incoming: the state of prospecting 2024

Posted on: January 9, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Category: News and awards

Incoming: The State of Prospecting 2024

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What can you expect to see in this year’s much-anticipated whitepaper?

Next week, we’ll launch our brand new whitepaper for the year ahead: The State of Prospecting 2024. With that in mind, we’re giving you an ever-so-small inside scoop on what to expect. 

Data we’ve poured over:

  • Over 70 million emails
  • Over 20,000 prospecting campaigns
  • Over 350 survey respondents
  • Eight years of data, expertise, and so much more…

With insightful introductions from our founders, Rob and Ryan, our whitepaper immediately addresses the emergence of AI and the changing dynamics of outreach marketing.

Gif image highlighting a key statistic from The State of Prospecting 2024: "2023 saw a 48.5% year-on-year increase in the number of marketing emails

You can expect a discerning look at the fresh approach required to cut through the competition and how that will have a distinct effect on your results. 

With eight years of successful Sopro email campaigns under our belts, a whole team of experts, and an expanse of data, our upcoming report will unpick and delve into the outreach formats and new technologies coming to the fore. 

So, what can you expect to get answers to?

  1. Are prospects still favouring email for their outreach strategies? 
  1. What can businesses do to rise above the noise with increased competition?
  1. Is multi-channel prospecting cutting above email-only prospecting?
  1. How can you utilise buyer intent to reach buyers when they are most receptive?

And that’s not all…

To be the first in the know, be sure to check back in with us for the official launch of The State of Prospecting 2024. Coming next week. 

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Multichannel prospecting