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Integrating your sopro campaign with your crm just got sweeter

Posted on: May 26, 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Category: News and awards

Integrating your Sopro campaign with your CRM just got sweeter

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One of the beauties of running a prospecting campaign with Sopro is that we see ourselves as the midwives of prospecting. We’ve got the tools and the experience, so we’ll help you deliver – but at the end of the day, it’s your baby.

Our latest improvements – better syncing of your campaign data with your CRM – help you take this ownership one step further while making everything that bit easier.

Let’s take you through how you can now do less and still sell more. 

Which CRMs can integrate with Sopro?

We have fully flying and automated integrations for the big four CRMs:

  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
  • Pipedrive
  • Zoho

And we’re always working away in the background to add more.

Why integrate my Sopro data?

These latest enhancements only increase the benefits seen from integrating your Sopro data into your CRM.

1. You can better nurture leads and develop deeper relationships with prospects once they are assigned to the sales team.

2. Get greater visibility on prospects and their behaviour by analysing their activities and responses.

3. Prioritise leads by scoring them based on their activities. These scores gauge their level of interest and intent.

4. Revitalise leads that have become inactive by automatically making contact in a specific time frame.

5. Save time and resources by only passing sales-ready leads to the sales team.

6. Analyse results to identify reasons behind success and award credit where it is due.

The latest improvements to our data integration

There are four main upgrades that will make your life easier.

1.      Sopro prospecting email conversation sync

In every campaign you run with us, up to four emails are sent per prospect (not least because it’s the third that drives the most engagement).

To improve your deliverability rate – and to allow you to respond to enquiries rapidly – we stagger the timing of these emails across your campaign.

And voilà – you now have real-time visibility of exactly where you are with each imported contact. 

2.  Select which prospects to import based on their response

It’s now your decision which prospects to import, based on their reaction to your emails.

You can import every prospect Sopro has sourced into your CRM – knowing that these contacts match your ideal customers.

Or, you can choose to import just the contacts who respond. 

Or, you can keep your focus lasered on the prospects who respond in a certain way: you can select which of the four response types result in a contact automatically going live in your CRM.

There are four response types that you can use:

  • Declines (“Thanks, but no thanks”)
  • Positives (“Sounds good, let’s have that call!”)
  • Deferred interest (“Not today, but try again in a few months”)
  • Referrals (“Not for me, but I bet Steve in Accounts would be up for this”)

But wait, there’s more…

You can make each response type create a contact with a defined lead status, so that the next steps are already triggered in your CRM.

(Another time-saving feature that allows you to get more done, stare out the window or take that long lunch on Tuesday).

And finally…

We’ve listened to your requests and added more fields that can be mapped to your CRM to further protect you from RSI-related injuries.

3.  Update existing contacts with Sopro’s super-fresh data

This is the point where we start banging on about how B2B data can very quickly become redundant if it isn’t updated regularly.

The good news is that we will now update your contact details with our hot-off-the-press, super-fresh data to breathe a little more life into stale data in your CRM.

No need to lift a finger – it’s automated.

Anything else?

Aww shucks, you know us. We don’t like to rest on our laurels – it’s a bit prickly, to be honest.

So, we’ve had a spring clean and improved our portal’s UX – making it leaner, cleaner, and easier to use.

But, it’s not just about the design. We’ve also made sure that:

  • The language we use is consistent and simple to understand (no big words or fancy synonyms)
  • Integrating your CRM is as easy as pie (structured steps, pop up explanations, review panes)
  • You have better visibility of your sync progress (for those who need to know exactly how much further there is to go)
  • All existing bugs are fixed (*cough*, honestly, no idea how they got there)

Over to you

It’s your prospecting campaign – we’re just here to make it happen.

And with our latest improvements, it has never been easier to get those leads into your CRM and sales pipeline.

So now, it’s over to you!

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