May 18, 2021

In praise of plain text emails

Darren Gooding

Which is more effective as a prospecting message, an email, or a LinkedIn post: plain text, image, video? Find out why plain text works.

Email content Prospecting
May 7, 2021

8 secret LinkedIn hacks for promoting content

Darren Gooding

Find out the eight secret hacks you can use to ensure your content gets seen by more of the people you are prospecting to.

B2B marketing LinkedIn marketing +1
The 5 Golden Rules of Lead Nurturing
October 6, 2020

The five golden rules of lead nurturing

Darren Gooding

Here are our FIVE Golden Rules for succesful lead nurturing. Follow these steps to grow and nurture your leads into new business opportunity.

B2B sales Lead nurturing
Pitch perfect: How stories can give sales a happy ending
July 31, 2020

Pitch perfect: How stories can give sales a happy ending

Darren Gooding

B2B sales Closing techniques