B2B marketing

7 minutes

October 25, 2021

In praise of the chatbot as a prospecting tool

Ever thought of using a chatbot for prospecting? Here's how to use a chatbot to turn your website from a passive sales tool to an active one.

B2B sales

7 minutes

October 14, 2021

How to get your sales team to prospect more effectively in 2022

Since more than half of sales teams are struggling to prospect effectively, here is what you can do to make sure 2022 is the year everything changes.

B2B sales

4 minutes

October 12, 2021

How to ensure your sales team are moving the needle every time they prospect with video

Video has become a highly effective tool for connecting with prospects and driving deals to a happy ending. Here’s a plan for enabling your sales team to succeed with video.

B2B sales

5 minutes

September 10, 2021

What is a sales cadence and why on earth do you need one?

Find out how you can use sales cadence to align sales and marketing while ensuring prospects don’t fall between the cracks.

Business growth

6 minutes

September 6, 2021

How to build an optimised sales development team

What do you need to sell successfully? The answer is simple: a successful sales development team. Find out how to build your team here

B2B marketing

3 minutes

July 19, 2021

Sales techniques: why less is more

In sales, sometimes less is more. We cover the paradox of an increased desire for choice, coupled with the yearning for simplicity.