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Sopro for IT services and MSPs

Industry facts



Global revenue:

2022: US$118 billion / £99 million

Revenue Growth 2022:


If you’re a business that offers IT services, you’ll know just how tough it is to generate high-quality leads, and convince prospects you’re the one for them. With Sopro, you can cut through the noise and get talking to the people who matter.


Sales engagement for IT businesses


Sopro is more than just a lead generation tool. We’re an experienced team of prospecting experts, dedicated to running your sales outreach campaigns for you. We’ll do the hard work, so you can do your best work – converting leads and closing deals.

Our experts toggle over 40 variables in our live B2B database to find your target persona and build your unique sales database. We verify every contact individually, so every single prospect for your campaign is hand-picked, by us, for you.


How it works

Need more high-quality leads for your IT services business? Here’s how it works:

  1. You tell us about your particular IT offering, who you’re looking to target, and what makes you stand out from the rest of the industry
  2. We source and verify a target audience just for you, using data that’s fully compliant and up-to-the-minute accurate
  3. We write engaging, relevant, and on-brand outreach email messages
  4. We set your campaign live, delivered to your hand-picked audience
  5. You get responses directly to your inbox, so you can do what you do best


Our top tips for IT services and MSPs


Keep emails friendly and personalised

Trust us when we say keeping your outreach emails friendly and informal is the way to go.

Our IT services clients who use conversational and more playful prospecting templates see a much higher response rate than those who cling to a heavily-branded tone of voice, overwhelm with technical language upfront, or go straight in with a generic company bio.


Know your niche

For every IT solution, there are a number of different businesses trying to provide it. And whether you want to admit it or not, they all look similar to most of your prospects. Tailoring your outreach messaging to display a niche offering for a very specific target market will help you cut through to the right people. Convince your prospects that you understand their individual challenges, and you’ll get more positive responses from higher-quality leads.


Solidify your sales process

Before you start outreach, ask yourself if you have the capacity to follow everything up. Without a well-oiled sales process, you risk losing high-quality leads throughout the journey.

Have you nailed down who follows up with responses? Do you have a maximum time frame for enquiries to be replied to? Are your proposals engaging enough? All these aspects need to be addressed before you start filling your pipeline.


What to expect from your Sopro IT services campaign

Because it’s such a competitive market, IT services businesses can see lower lead rates from their prospecting activity. But it’s a solid sector, you can have a great chance of success if you’re willing to be agile with your target market. Go into your campaign with the mindset of setting up a steady, reliable source of leads rather than a snappy short-term fix for lead gen.

If your average deal size is on the larger side, then it’s even less important to get fixated on lead volume. Our data covers millions upon millions of business contacts, but 99% of that data is totally irrelevant to you – we zero in on your ideal target market and help you access high-quality leads. The ones that are more likely to close!

It’s far better to have a smaller pool of businesses who see the value you provide, rather than a long list of pipeline fillers that are unlikely to convert. Numbers don’t tell the whole story, so are you ready to write yours?

IT support success with Sopro

We’ve run over 15,000 prospecting campaigns for more than 2,000 clients. Read some of our IT clients’ success stories below.

Featured case studies

Your campaign could be live in 14 days.

Sopro sources your ideal prospects, engages them with a fully managed prospecting campaign, and connects you directly when they’re ready to talk sales.

Get in touch to arrange a demo of Sopro and discover how we’ve helped other IT companies sell more.