August 4, 2022

Can selling ever be ethical?: Sales ethics and what they are

Lily Ruaah

Sales ethics are an important part of selling but how can you adhere to sales ethics and make a profit? We explore how the face of sales is changing forever.

B2B sales
July 28, 2022

How to shorten your sales cycle

Lily Ruaah

Does a long sales cycle mean a bad sales cycle? Take a look at our latest blog to see tips on how to shorten your sales cycle or improve it.

B2B sales Optimising the sales process
July 27, 2022

The 14 essential sales pipeline metrics

Lily Ruaah

Creating a healthy sales pipeline flow means focusing on the right sales pipeline metrics. Data can be overwhelming, work out what to focus on.

B2B sales Optimising the sales process
July 25, 2022

Why predictive lead scoring promises to deliver

Lily Ruaah

Predictive lead scoring can help you to take the hard work out of prospecting. Find out more on what predictive lead scoring is and how it can help you.

B2B sales Lead scoring
July 15, 2022

5 lead scoring best practices to help you sell more 

Lily Ruaah

Lead scoring is essential to good lead conversion but it can be difficult to get it right. We detail our lead scoring best practices in our latest blog post.

B2B sales Lead scoring
June 22, 2022

Five home truths about sales forecasting

James Kenny

Getting ready for some sales forecasting? Before you crunch the numbers, here are five home truths that you must bear in mind.

B2B sales