RESOURCE HUB / The time is now: win more business with intent data

The time is now: win more business with intent data

What is intent data? And how can you use it to win more business?

Timing is everything when it comes to winning new business. And though we can’t control everything in life, what if there was a secret to harnessing those perfectly-timed moments?

The power of intent data means it’s easier than ever to be in the right place at the right time.

But if you’re confused as to what that actually means, you’re not alone.

In this interactive webinar, hosts Shaine Gravett and Alice Bromelow explain how using intent data works in your day-to-day prospecting, what intent actually looks like, and how to add tools such as IP tracking as another string to your bow – helping you reach out to prospects at just the right time.

Why watch?

  • What intent data actually is
  • The different types of intent data
  • How to use intent data (without being creepy!)
  • Why you should add intent data to your sales process