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How your crm can pack a bigger productivity punch through integrations

Posted on: February 25, 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Category: B2B sales

How your CRM can pack a bigger productivity punch through integrations

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Your CRM is probably your most powerful sales tool.

Until now!

Now, don’t get us wrong – we are not about to tell you there is a new kid on the block that will knock your CRM off its top spot.

Far from it!

What we are about to tell you is this:

By integrating other software into your CRM platform, you can make your sales stack that much stronger.

In fact, a CRM as a stand-alone sales tool is actually quite a puny specimen. Whereas, a CRM that acts as a core hub by linking all of your sales activities…

Now that can really flex its muscles.

And to build that hub, you are going to need to start integrating. Before you know it, you will have created automated actions that expand the functionality of both your CRM and every tool it reaches out to.

Kiss goodbye to the need to update two systems and say hello to a massive productivity boost.

Here’s a handy checklist of where to start your ‘CRM-as-hub’ building.

1. Communicate

Hooking up your inbox with your CRM is a no-brainer.

You create an instant log of all your emails, place all those email templates and email sequences at your fingertips and gain access to all that knowledge that’s within your CRM – without having to leave your inbox.

2. Call

Streamline your call arrangements and calls via Zoom, Uber Conference, Aircall, CallRail and many other platforms.

3. Chat

Most communication tools, such as Slack, can be linked in with your CRM. This means you can chat to your heart’s content without having to flit back and forth between applications.

4. Live chat

Make sure that prospects who engage with chat software on your website are captured in your CRM as leads. Intercom, for example, can capture website visitors as leads (contact information and conversation history) when it is connected to your CRM.

5. Live data

Integrate the lead generation forms on your website with your CRM to ensure that the days of manual uploads are long gone and your data is as fresh as a daisy.

6. Make it a date

It’s not just about making things easy for you, although things like instantly recording a meeting in your CRM and sending invites to guests is a real timesaver.

But by letting your calendar and CRM talk to each other freely you can also let prospects access your real-time diary to book a meeting slot without any hassle.

7. Make it an event

Make the most of your events by letting data flow between your CRM and your event management software.

Maximise your event effectiveness and gain instant insight into how your event calendar affects your sales funnel for platforms such as Eventbrite or GoToWebinar.

8. Make it social

Gain invaluable insight into your prospects’ engagement on social channels.

9. Open doors

SoPro’s prospecting data can be integrated with your CRM to smooth the process even further. You can hard wire our innovative prospecting approach directly into your existing pipeline management tools and reporting systems.

In addition, we’ve received the thumbs up from HubSpot for our nifty little app that will handle all the set up for you on the world’s number one CRM.

10. Open the floodgates

Some integrations are facilitators and enablers.

Usually referred to as connectors these allow custom integrations to create automated workflows.

Take a bow, apps like Zapier and – these open the floodgates to literally thousands of integrations.

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