Is it the end for email open rates?

It's time to move on from open rates, explains Sopro CINO, Rob Harlow.


How CopyHouse used SoPro campaigns to drive sales without building out internal business development teams

Company profile




Copy writing and digital marketing

Deal cycle:

1-4 months

Target profile



Company size:



Marketing Managers / C-suite / Communications Managers

How CopyHouse supercharged their sales pipeline with Sopro

Headline results

$158 cost per lead
2% lead rate
9% response rate
£99 cost per lead 2% lead rate 9% response rate

Company description

CopyHouse is a content marketing agency, specialising in the technology space. They help businesses bring their messaging to life through copy writing and B2B social meda. Their passion is making complex ideas easy to understand – creating a world where deep tech isn’t scary or confusing.

They’re trusted by big names such as Meta, SEMrush, and Hubspot, and whether it’s designing an entire website or producing a short press release, quality and speed is the number one priority for CopyHouse.

The challenge

As a very new business, CopyHouse didn’t yet have a proper sales process.

They were still getting their marketing up and running, so needed a good stream of leads to get them on the path to growth.

“Sopro has totally supercharged our pipleline. It’s brought us some of our biggest deals and best clients..”

Kathryn Strachan, Managing Director and Owner, CopyHouse

Our solution

We helped CopyHouse establish a system for generating leads that they could continuously utilise. With our support, they were able to start generating leads – and closing deals – in record time.

“It was a month or two into working with Sopro that we got our first closed deal. That one deal covered all of Sopro’s expenses, and still continues to.”

Kathryn Strachan, Managing Director and Owner, CopyHouse

The results

CopyHouse’s success with us went beyond their expectation and the amazing results speak for themselves.

2022 Prospects engaged Emails sent Emails per prospect Opened Opened % Clicked Clicked % Lead rate %
Nov 1004 3714 3 1775 47.8 158 11.7 2.8
Oct 1001 3962 3 1788 45.1 284 17.7 2.4
Sept 1022 3741 3 2051 54.8 399 20.3 2.5
Aug 1030 3936 3 2378 60.4 547 28.6 1.6

“I couldn’t imagine not using Sopro, I tell everyone I meet about it – it’s been game-changing for CopyHouse.”

Kathryn Strachan, Managing Director and Owner, CopyHouse

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