How The Signature Works used Sopro to refine their targeting and drive leads to the sales team

The Signature Works is a personalised clothing and promo printing and embroidery service. (Largest t-shirt printing company in Northern Ireland)


Success metrics

Lead generation

Lead generation

Sopro generated over 2,300 leads for Cohaesus

Cost efficiency

Cost efficiency

Cost per lead ranged from £23 to £81, providing a significant return on investment.

Speed of messaging

Speed of messaging

The flexibility of the campaign allowed Cohaesus to pivot their business to adapt to the new conditions.

Major lead source

Major lead source

Sopro is a major and reliable lead source for Cohaesus, significantly contributing to their sales pipeline and overall growth.




Northern Ireland


Customised clothing

Deal cycle

1 - 3 months


11 - 5000


Northern Ireland and Greater Dublin


Senior leadership suite and senior procurement/purchasing roles


They are looking to expand on their B2B focus and are looking to generate some good conversations with the view to increase their client base and repeat business.

Our solution

With a small sales team, limited sales software solutions, and a varied but niche target pool, driving leads were a challenge. With Sopro on board, The Signature Works refined their targeting and ran a prospecting campaign that delivered high lead rates and low cost per lead.

Campaign performance breakdown


Sector Prospects Open Rate % Response Response % Leads Leads % Cost per lead
Automotive 690 21.9% 98 14.20% 30 4.35% £46.07
Construction 576 27.79% 105 18.22% 37 6.42% £31.19
Hospitality 477 26.74% 98 20.54% 20 4.19% £47.80
Food & Beverages 336 24.26% 63 18.75% 20 5.95% £33.70
Transportation/Trucking/Railroad 201 27.09% 43 21.39% 17 8.46% £23.76
Restaurants 94 26.99% 19 20.21% 3 3.19% £62.67
Wine & Spirits 81 27.88% 15 18.51% 2 2.47% £82.00
Building Materials 80 25.64% 18 22.5% 7 8.75% £23.14
Fundraising 24 24.39% 6 25% 2 8.33% £24.00


Company Size Prospects Open Rate % Response Response % Leads Leads % Cost per lead
11-50 77 33.08% 13 16.88% 6 7.79% £25.67
51-200 991 28.32% 175 17.65% 52 5.25% £38.15
201-500 719 23.32% 134 18.63% 43 5.98% £33.63
501-1000 373 27.52% 71 19.03% 26 6.97% £28.77
1001-5000 474 18.44% 84 17.72% 16 3.38% £59.38

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