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Introducing the state of prospecting 2023

Posted on: January 9, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Category: News and awards

Introducing the State of Prospecting 2023

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It’s a new year and we’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-spanking-new whitepaper: The State of Prospecting 2023.

It’s been months in the making, with all hands on deck to create something that looks at prospecting from a unique perspective. So, what’s the big deal? 

It’s our most extensive whitepaper to date. In fact, we believe it’s the most comprehensive B2B prospecting report ever published.

We surveyed over 350 sales and marketing professionals and looked at 49.5 million emails! 

“We’ve analysed twice as many emails as last year – nearly 50 million. We’ve surveyed five times as many sales and marketing professionals. Our data scientists have dived deeper than ever into our prospecting results, drawing out new insights and new ways to optimise your prospecting,” Ryan Welmans, CEO and Co-Founder.

That’s a lot of data. But don’t worry, you don’t need to sift through all of it.

We’ve picked out all the important insights and rules to highlight what really works in prospecting in 2023:

  • Who to target for higher lead rates, from job titles to industries
  • Why open rates aren’t what they used to be
  • What’s new in personalisation and how it’s changing prospecting
  • How to move beyond emails to a fully personalised journey
  • When to send your emails for maximum impact

But we didn’t stop there – we went above and beyond.

Have you ever wondered what the least friendly industry is?

Or if Karens really are as rude as their reputation suggests?

Does the location of your office make you more or less happy?

We’ve got all the data and latest trends in prospecting to help you stay one step ahead of the competition. 

Check out The State of Prospecting 2024.


The State of Prospecting 2024

An in-depth look at the tactics and trends shaping successful B2B prospecting in 2024.

Download it

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